Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's My Birthday...It's My Birthday...

Fifty-one years ago--so long that I can barely remember--I was brought into this world, kicking and screaming! Things have gotten progressively better since that time. I think I am getting the hang of this "living" thing. I have lived through two parents, three siblings, twenty years of schooling (a slow learner, apparently), one marriage (The good news: we've been happily married for 22 years! The bad news: we've been married for 26 years!), four daughters, one son, one son-in-law, and three churches.

Not too bad, all in all.

I have been blessed beyond all measure. Not only do I have a family that tolerates me; they act like they actually love me! They even tell me so every day. Whether they are blind or merely good liars, I don't know, but I like it. It would be hard to have more wholesome pride in a family than I do in mine. Those of you who know me and my family know that this is not bluster--it's the absolute truth.

I am thankful to God for His many blessings. Besides the family, I have a church community who loves me and supports me. They are truly to me a community of faith, hope, and love. I have loads of wonderful friends and family members, many of whom have called or sent cards or emails to me today. A group of elderly gentlemen from our church took me to breakfast; one of my best friends from college days took me to the Varsity for lunch and even bought me a fried apple pie to make up for the lack of cake. My family is going to see the Braves on Thursday night.

Like everyone, I have periods of discouragement from time to time. There are some circumstances of life I would like to see improved. But I truthfully have to laugh at myself when I try to have too long a pity party, for I know deep down in my heart that I have been incredibly blessed.

Thanks, God. Thanks, family. Thanks, friends. Thanks, church. I am so rich because you have given me the treasures of your lives!

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