Monday, August 13, 2007

Catching Up...

Wow! It's been about three months since my last entry. Time really flies, especially in the summer. We have had a busy time with a mission trip to New York state, the normal special summer activities in the church, and I also went on a two week study break.

The break was particularly helpful. Some friends offered me the use of a house in the Chattahoochee River in north Georgia, and I had a wonderful time of study and solitude--there was no television there! (I had to drive 15 miles to get internet, so I only did that a couple of times, too.)

It was a time for refocusing, prayer, and study, and I certainly came back refreshed! I even lost a little weight, that having to do mostly with having to prepare my own meals most of the time!

I hope to get back in the habit of sharing a few thoughts now and then; I will try to share a bit more about my study break soon.

God bless!

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