Tuesday, November 10, 2009


CHBC Ramblings
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Operation Christmas Child sends a message of hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and Christian literature. This is the week for you to pack your shoe box if you have not already done so. If you need more information about what to pack and what NOT to pack in your shoe box (or boxes), go to http://clairmonthills.org/news/74-operation-christmas-child for information, including a link to the Samaritan’s Purse website. We also have brochures at the church office. Call us at 404-634-6231 for more information.

Need help packing or wrapping your box? Don’t have a shoe box? Know someone else who would like to participate but has some needs like these? We have a solution! This Saturday, November 14, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., and this Sunday, from 3-5 p.m., we will have volunteers at our building who will help you pack and/or wrap your shoe box. And we will have shoe boxes for those who may not have one.

Already have yours ready? Bring your shoe box on Sunday! If you forget, you will need to bring it early in the following week so that we can get all the boxes to warehouse. Last year our church collected over 250 boxes from our members and the community. You are an amazing group of people. Let’s do it again! Our goal is 275.

Remembrance: Veterans Day and Communion
It is always a moving experience to remember our veterans, and we were able to do that this past Sunday. Thank you, Veterans, for your sacrificial service. It is also a moving experience to remember the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and we were able to do that this past Sunday as well. It was a great day of remembrance. Thanks for being here.

Deacon Ordination Service
It was also a meaningful service of ordination for two new additions to our deacon body, Jeanette Wynn and Rick Rogers. The testimonies were fantastic as each told of the goodness of God, and the laying on of hands and words of encouragement from the congregation were the high point for these two individuals. I wish even more would have returned for this special service.

Thanksgiving is for… Thanksgiving!
Will you be in town on Thanksgiving morning? If so, why don’t you start the day off right? We have a service for giving thanks on Thanksgiving from 8:30-9:30 a.m. The highlight of the service is the spontaneous words of testimony given by any participant who wants to share. We get through in time for most people to make it to their own family traditions. For our family, this IS one of our traditions! Since the crowd has been modest in the services since beginning it here when I first arrived five years ago, I had thought about not holding it this year. But my family told me that even if we are the only ones here, we are going to have the service. And so we will. But if you would like to join us, we’d love to have you. Bring some canned goods of other non-perishable food items either to this service or to any regular service during the month of November, and we will pass them on to a local food bank. Let’s be thankful for our bounty.

This Coming Sunday...
We will talk about the importance of the gospel and what it can mean to a community… and to a nation. As we enter the season of the year in which we take a special offering—the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering—for the purpose of sending missionaries around the world, it is important for us to remember what the gospel accomplishes.

It is also important for us to worship, fellowship, and minister together. Please be present this Sunday morning—and bring someone with you. May God bless you!

Fred O. Pitts, Pastor

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