Wednesday, October 28, 2009


CHBC Ramblings
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Head, Heart, Hands, and Feet
This past Sunday we finished up our seven part DiscipleLIFE Sermon Series. As promised, the message time was different as I distributed a four part self-assessment that helped each person in the Worship Center evaluate where they are in their growth in “head, heart, hands, and feet.” The assessment was kept by the participants as a “baseline.” Each year, a similar assessment can help disciples track their progress. Many have given me encouragement about the entire series, and if you missed any of the messages, they are on our website (—look for “Media” then “Sermons”). Also, I will be glad to give you a copy of the self-assessment if you missed last Sunday.

I also asked those who attended to fill out the scores only—no names—along with their Life Group (Sunday School class) and age group and return them in the offering plate. This information will help us in our teams to plan opportunities for growth in needed areas as we continue to focus on growing in our heads, hearts, hands, and feet.

Live on 90% for 90 Days
If you missed Sunday, not only did you miss the self-assessment, but you missed the very highlight of our service. Sylvia Gray shared her testimony with us as part of our 90% for 90 Days emphasis, and it was powerful! God has worked greatly in her through both the joys and challenges of life. Sylvia, like so many others, has discovered that closeness to God and growth in Him often comes even more during the most difficult challenges.

Thank you, Sylvia, for your willingness to share with us both your victories and your struggles in your relationship with God.

Time Change!
You get an extra hour of sleep this Saturday night, so don’t forget to set your clock BACK an hour before going to bed. It will be interesting to see if an extra hour translates into more people being on time!

Looking forward to worshiping with you Sunday,

Fred O. Pitts, Pastor

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