Tuesday, September 22, 2009


CHBC Ramblings
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Head, Heart, Hands, and Feet
In our seven part DiscipleLIFE Sermon Series, we are seeking to describe what a healthy disciple look like: there is balanced growth—head, heart, hands, and feet. In other words, a disciple LEARNS (head), a disciple LOVES (heart), a disciple SERVES (hands), and a disciple SHARES (feet). There are also stages of development: pre-birth, infant, growing, and mature.

This past week we addressed the question: Are you really a disciple? We examined the challenging words of Jesus in Luke 9.23-27 and noted...

A real disciple understands the value of following Jesus.
A real disciple understands the cost of following Jesus.
A real disciple privately and publicly acknowledges Jesus as Lord.
A real disciple “follows” through daily.

If you missed it, check it out on our website: www.clairmonthills.org.

I hope you “passed the test,” as Paul alluded to in 2 Corinthians 13.5. This Sunday we begin looking at each of the elements of balanced growth. We start with the HEAD: A disciple LEARNS. What should an baby Christian know? What about a growing disciple? One who is mature?

And how do we learn? Come evaluate your own progress in this area with us this Sunday morning.

Live on 90% for 90 Days
Tom Jackson did a wonderful job this past Sunday morning with a testimony of God’s faithfulness. He shared that while he had been a regular giver for years, it was in midlife 35 years ago when he and his wife started to live on 90% of what God had given them—in other words, they began to tithe. He shared that not only did they have enough to live on but that God began to bless them in many other ways. He also shared how God gave him a peace he had lacked because he had known he “ought” to do so before but had not. This was another great testimony of how God blesses as we obey the principles of His word. I encourage you to join others in our fellowship—if it is not already your habit—by giving God His own first fruits and living on 90% for September through November. I hope that you will discover the joy of cheerfully returning to God a small portion of what He has given you, and that for you, like Tom, it will become a life-long habit!

Sunday Night DiscipleLIFE classes continue to grow!
Join the crowd this Sunday afternoon at 5:30. Adults have these choices:

A Life God Rewards, led by Steve Powell, meets in the Chapel.

Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds, led by Ruth McClain, meets in the Media Library.

The Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis, led by me, meets in the Living Room. This class also welcomes the youth. This Sunday, come prepared to discuss the best known of the seven books, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Start reading today (turn off the tube!) and you will be read to join the discussion on Sunday.

Don’t forget to check out what we have for the children as I have shared those the past few weeks as well. The short version: Bible Drill and Story Time at 4:30 p.m.; His Kids choir at 5:30. Older children and youth handbells at 6:30. Call us for more information.

A Lot of Rain...
I joked on Facebook yesterday about changing my sermon for Sunday since I had been thinking of Noah so much lately! I was reminded by one of my “friends” to remember God’s promise not to end the world that way again.

God is faithful, and I am thankful that the worst of the storm seems over. Please remember, though, the many who have have been affected by the flood—especially those families who have lost loved ones. We can pray together for those, can’t we? Let’s do. And let’s remember that no matter how long the storm lasts, the sun will shine on us at last.

May God bless us all,

Fred O. Pitts, Pastor

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