Monday, July 06, 2009


CHBC Ramblings
Monday, July 6, 2009

This past Sunday
Yesterday, July 5, we reflected upon the blessings we have from God by being citizens of the United States. While our crowd was smaller than usual (but “usual” for a July 4th weekend, I guess!), we had a good spirit as we celebrated our blessings and had a time of meditation and prayer for our county. My message, Issues and Ideas, was well received as we considered the question, as we listen to both politicians and to Christian leaders advocate their positions on issues, Who Speaks for God? I shared three principles that I seek to follow as I try to decide where to stand on an issue:

1. Enter with humility and respect, realizing that sometimes Christians have been wrong on stands in the past;
2. Search the Scriptures carefully, both before and then after listening to the discussions and debates on all sides; and
3. Take personal responsibility for the stands you take.
Sorry if you missed the service—you even missed a “once in a blue moon” event: we dismissed right before noon!

This coming Sunday
I hope that we will jump back up in attendance as folks get back from their travels. I anticipate a special service as we celebrate both baptism and communion. (And don’t forget that we give an opportunity for a special benevolence offering after a service featuring communion.) I will be bringing a message entitled, “The Greatest of These Is Love.” Don’t just come—bring someone with you.

Sabbatical Time in July
Don’t forget—during the month of July, we will have our regular Sunday morning activities of study, fellowship, and worship, but we will take a sabbatical on Sunday evenings and Wednesday evenings. In other words, there will be no activities during those evenings. And most monthly meetings “take off” for the month of July. (Of course, the office will be open as usual.)

Mission Trip to NY
For the third and perhaps final year, some of our church members will be traveling to Hurley, NY, to assist the Cross Pointe Fellowship under the leadership of Pastor Pete Shults. Our departure day will be Saturday, July 18, with most of the team returning the following Saturday. I will remain a few more days, taking a week of my annual study break. Pete and his church are gracious enough to provide me a place to stay without charge, so that is helpful to us all. In my absence, you will have the privilege of hearing Bill Murray on July 19 and Steve Powell on July 26.

Blood Drive
There is still time to get involved with the Red Cross Blood Drive. It will be held this Thursday, July 9, in the All Purpose Room, and I have signed up along with many others. If you haven’t yet signed up, will you consider it? But hurry! We have spots available from 2:30-7:30 p.m., so call the church office at 404.634.6231.

God bless,

Fred O. Pitts, Pastor

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